Volume shadow copies in Vista are often the elephant sat in the corner in many cases. We know they exist and we know they can contain lots of data, but we often choose to ignore them.
A recent case required some keyword searches and an examination of picture files. A the completion of the keyword search most of the hits were within files with names similar to
The view pane within Encase 6.14 displayed the contents in a nice light blue colour which I now know is a new feature in 6.14 to indicate the contents of uninitialised files. The files were all located within the System Volume Information folder on the root of the volume and are the Vista Volume Shadow Copies. By default 15% of the capacity of the volume is allocated by Vista to store these copies. The C4P graphics extractor enscript carved most of the notable pictures out shadow copies also.
At this stage I have known examiners report their findings alluding to the fact that that the notable artefacts are within the file {bab9c293-d150-12dc-a44f-021d253da909}{3708876a-d176-4f38-b7bb-05036c6bb821}. In most cases I think you need to drill down further. In order to do this I mounted my Vista image with Encase PDE and used
Liveview 0.7b to create a working VM using VMWare Workstation 6. Having logged into my suspects account I ran a command prompt as administrator and entered the command
vssadmin list shadows /for=c:\
This provided a nice list of available shadow copies. Having selected one I entered the command (updated 13th Jan 2010)
mklink /d c:\shadow_copy7 \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy7\
This created a symbolic link in the root of C which in Windows Explorer at any rate appears exactly like a shortcut to a folder. Clicking on it produced the error message shown below

I believed this error is probably generated by a permissions issue (SEE UPDATE BELOW), however I was not able to overcome it and
Rob Lee over at Sans Computer Forensics suggests this methodology does not work. I think Jimmy Weg however has had some success with a program written by
Dan Mares - VSS.exe. I therefore turned to
ShadowExplorer version 0.4.382.0. This program allows the user to view the contents of Volume Shadow Copies that exist on any volumes within the installed system. The contents are displayed in an Explorer like view allowing the user to export out any file or folder to an export directory. I exported the User profile I was interested in to an export directory. Unfortunately it seems that only the Last Written date is preserved in this process and all other time stamps are tripped. I then tried to copy this export directory out of the VM to my workstation and encountered errors (probably due to files within the profile with illegal windows file names). To overcome this I zipped up the export directory and copied the zip out of the VM. Once unpacked I then added the exported folders into Encase as single files and created logical evidence files from them.
Having done this I was able to resolve most of my keyword search hits and pictures to actual files as opposed to being simply within a volume shadow copy.
UPDATE 13th January 2010
The issue I had with the mklink command was due to a missing \ but not the trailing slash referred to in some comments below. The correct command is
mklink /d c:\shadow_copy7 \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy7\